Linguaskill (previously, BULATS) is a computer adaptive test designed to give a quick assessment of a candidate’s CEFR level in business English context.
What Cambridge Professional Trainers does for you
Our trainers have many years of experience preparing candidates successfully for all levels of the Linguaskill (and, previously, BULATS) exam.
We take a balanced and pragmatic approach, using preparation for the exam as a learning and levelling-up tool where possible, and targeting rapid success in the exam where necessary.
Linguaskill is a modular exam testing listening, reading, speaking and writing (or any combination of those modules).
It is available in General and Business options.
The test can be taken at any time, and from any computer.
Test topics include the buying and selling of products or services, the office, business travel and human resources.
Reading and listening (60-85 minutes)
The Reading and Listening tests are adaptive, so there is not a fixed number of questions.
Writing (45 minutes)
The writing is in two parts:
• Email (roughly 15 minutes). Candidates are presented with a situation and information bullet points, and asked to write a short email response (50 words).
• Long text (roughly 30 minutes). Candidates are presented with a scenario and are asked to write a letter or a report in response (180 words).
Speaking (15 minutes)
The speaking test is in five parts:
• Interview. The candidate answers 8 questions about themselves.
• Reading aloud. The candidate reads 8 sentences aloud.
• Long turn 1. The candidate is given a topic to talk about for one minute. 40 seconds are allowed for preparation.
• Long turn 2. The candidate is given one or more graphics (graphs, charts, etc.) to talk about for one minute. One minute is allowed for preparation.
•Communication activity. The candidate gives their opinions in the form of short responses to five questions related to one topic. 40 seconds are allowed for preparation.